Surat Al Kafiroon - Calligraphy Ring Necklace
Surat Al Kafiroon - Calligraphy Ring Necklace
Islamic Relevance
Islamic Relevance
Surat Al Kafiroon is the 109th Surah of the Quran. Its benefits are immense, which is why the Prophet Muhammad SAW. declared it as equal to one fourth of the Quran.
It was revealed as an answer to the Quraysh trying to negotiate by proposing to worship the idols one year, and Allah SWT. the next year - an offer the Muslims rejected due to their integrity. Accordingly, this Surah acts as a disavowal of hipocrisy and Shirk (idolatry) as well as a guide for tolerance, respect and coexisting without compromising your own values and beliefs.
Wear this piece of jewellery to unapologetically express your faith as well as your tolerance and respect towards other beliefs - at the very same time.